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sexta-feira, 23 de março de 2012

Every time I see a beautiful girl on the subway, I fall in love. I fall in love with them and then I forget them. All of it in thirty minutes.
I could really date one of these gurls, though. I'd love to do so. I just don't have the opportunity. Gotta love 'em. Gotta do. Gotta kiss 'em. And fall in love again and again.

And my fingers are just like a machine. They're typing my love. Describing my feeling. Amores de metrô. You gotta recognize their value.


That japanese gurl is pretty. She is, in fact, gorgeous. And cuz I'm a needy guy, she becomes even better. Her style is my style. I like her shoes, her shirt, her angelical face... And my sunglasses help me check her out.


I fall in love every day, my dearest friend. Sometimes twice a day - or even more - but they do not see me. They do not notice me. And I wish they did.
If only they knew what's going on inside my skull... If only...